P O O F na correria

" podem me romper a cabeça, mas as idéias não..." EM PAUTA o COMPORTAMENTO HUMANO de cada dia; idéias soltas em português coloquial... caso se encaixe, porém nao goste de se ver assim, invente uma boa saída e não pense sobre o assunto. diga, arre! mais uma lenda urbana do poof... eu mesmo costumo esvaziar meu discurso usando das minhas ironias... prontos? levanta a mão então quem...

domingo, 29 de março de 2009

Walking on thin ice,
Im paying the price
For throwing the dice in the air.
Why must we learn it the hard way
And play the game of life with your heart?

I gave you my knife,
You gave me my life
Like a gush of wind in my hair.
Why do we forget whats been said
And play the game of life with our hearts?

I may cry some day,
But the tears will dry whichever way.
And when our hearts return to ashes,
Itll be just a story,
Itll be just a story.



I knew a girl who tried to walk across the lake,
course it was winter when all this was ice.
Thats a hell of a thing to do, you know.
They say the lake is as big as the ocean.
I wonder if she knew about it?

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